Sunday, October 28, 2012

WIP(s) Update

Yes, once again I have found myself starting a new project in the midst of trying to finish another. It is all for a good cause though! I realized yesterday that I had less than a week before November will be here, and I hadn't completed the November month, so I got it started. I am so glad these are quick stitches, and it should be done quickly so I can get back to the Baby Sampler.

I did spend a few hours this week working on that baby sampler, and here is my progress:
I will apologize to all of the amazing stitchers who participated in the IHSW and posted their work. I have not had time to look at everyone's work, and it's something that I usually love making the time for. Sadly, work is still keeping me very busy, and I haven't had the time to carve out of my day in order to be inspired by you. I hope to have time to get to them during this next week, and as always, I will post the comments for you!! 

1 comment:

You comments are welcome, appreciated, and motivate me! Thank you!