Wednesday, November 7, 2012

By Request...For Bonnie

Ahhhhhh, now that I have my house back in order (we had the interior painted and were displaced for a week), I was able to find my stitching supplies, and I took a couple pictures of my frogger for Bonnie who mentioned she would like to see a picture of it. 

It's not very large; just 4 1/2 inches from the tip of the flower to the tip of the needle. However, this little gem has been completely invaluable.  Again, mine was made for me by Stephanie Bishop who also does her own hand-dyed fabrics, so if you are interested in one of these, you can contact her through her page on Facebook:

Or, she has her email through her website: 

I believe that I paid $4 for mine, and it was shipped with my fabric order. I have not been tearing floss or fabric when I pull stitches out, which has saved me valuable time and money. If I used one of the embroidery needles, I inevitably had to re-do a lot more than the portion that I originally intended.  None of us like to "Frog", but this little do-dad really helps when you have to.

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