Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First Finish of August

Well, I was hoping to have this done while it was still July, but being done just after midnight on the first means that I officially have my first finish of the month. I really love how this turned out, and I got it into the special frame and on the shelf so it's ready even before the girls wake up. 

Here it is before the beads:
 The beads are attached:
 And we're framed!
My next project isn't actually "small," but I'm going to stitch it on Aida rather than an evenweave, so it should go a bit faster.  I'm finally going to stitch my youngest daughter's birth sampler (yes, she is 8 1/2 at this point). It's important to me since her father tore it up as we left him just before I was finished making it.  It took me a while to not only find the exact pattern again for her, but to get the emotional fortitude to make it. Yay! She will have her sampler on the wall next to her sisters soon. 


  1. Love the Marshmellow beads for August. Sharing the story of your daughters birth sampler was brave, brought back a flood of memories, most importantly why I took up stitching. Cheers for you to begin again.

  2. Oh I also love the marshmallow beads, so darned cute. Good for you to be willing to do the same chart again instead of something else. I'm sure this time it will be treasured the way it should of been the first time you made it.
    Can't wait to see what it is.


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